U sklopu provedbe Erasmus + sport projekta “Bocce for everyone from 7 to 70” organizirano je međunarodno druženje sudionika projekta u formi boće turnira.
Naši sudionici osvojili su prvo mjesto na turniru i time su završene sve projektne aktivnosti.
Uspješno smo proveli još jedan EU projekt!
On the second day of the Tournament, The winners were defined: 🏆🏆🏆
Croatia-1: 🥇
Romania 1: 🥈
Croatia 2: 🥉
“Bocce for everyone from 7 to 70” included all ages people into our project. With this final Tournament and thanks to Erasmus Sport Opportunities, all participants had incredible moments during the project. 🤩🇷🇴🇹🇷🇧🇦🇭🇷
Kargenc Kulubu
BRAVO – Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı
Asociatia Liber la Educatie, Cultura si Sport