Today Udruga Sport VIV, as a leading partner, organized a kick-off meeting of our Erasmus+ Sport project #EducationalLaboratory. The meeting was in Maribor, Slovenia. Project partners are Institute Trend Prima, Slovenia and ASD Margherita Sport e Vita, Italy and Udruga ECHO, Croatia.

Start: 01-01-2019 – End: 31-12-2019
Project Reference: 603044-EPP-1-2018-1-HR-SPO-SSCP
Grant decision: 2018 – 2606/ 001 – 001
EU Grant: 37.725,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport
Action Type: Collaborative Partnerships
COORDINATOR: Udruga Sport VIV, Gustava Krkleca 9, 10430 Samobor, Croatia
Udruga za promicanje aktivnog građanstva – ECHO (Association ECHO), Zagreb, Croatia
TREND-PRIMA, Zavod za raziskave in razvoj znanja, Maribor, Slovenia
Associazione Sportiva Dilletantistica Margherita Sport e Vita Basket (MSV Basket), Italy
This project targets volunteers, managers and staff of non-profit sports organizations and supports the mobility of these target groups. The aim of this project is to increas partner organizations’ capacity in managing sport associations and clubs by encouraging the cooperation and development of network between partner organizations; organizing non-formal education for target groups on how to operate at transnational level, to exchange their good practices on sport organization management; how to use free online tools (i.e. Google for non-profits – Google Ads, low budget media campagns, etc.) in order to ensure the visibility of their organization and its activities, to gain more new members and how to connect their organization activities with other industries (e.g. tourism) which may bring added value to sports and organizations at whole; how to develop marketing activities, what opportunities are provided by the EU through co-financing of various programmes (especially related to the Erasmus + Sport Programme).
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project is co-financed by the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of Udruga Sport VIV and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs.
