Glavni cilj projekta “ Heritage & Sport ” je povećati razinu tjelesne aktivnosti djece u osnovnom obrazovanju s mentalnim, razvojnim i tjelesnim teškoćama. Partneri su svjesni da postoji potreba za inovativnim pristupima za motiviranje i uključivanje djece s teškoćama u razvoju u sportske aktivnosti. Jedna od najvećih prepreka sudjelovanju sve djece u redovitim sportskim aktivnostima je pristupačnost. U projektu Heritage & Sport partneri će prikupiti tradicionalne europske igre i sportove iz partnerskih zemalja, izraditi Priručnik tradicijskih igara i sporta koji će biti prilagođen potrebama djece s teškoćama u razvoju. Organizirati ćemo sportske događaje u svim državama sudionicama koji će se održavati na javnim površinama kao što su parkovi, otvorene površine u prirodi i drugi besplatni javni sportski objekti kako bi uključili svu djecu bez obzira na ekonomski status njihovih roditelja ili skrbnika. Projekt potiče socijalnu uključenost i jednake mogućnosti u sportu za djecu s teškoćama u razvoju te naglašava važnost sportskih aktivnosti. Stvaranje sinergije između međunarodnih organizacija, obrazovnih i sportskih organizacija za promicanje sporta i tjelesne aktivnosti za svu djecu u EU i osiguravanje jednakog pristupa, važan je aspekt projekta. Napravit ćemo i platformu za e-učenje na kojoj će zainteresirani pojedinci (učitelji, osobe koje rade s mladima, volonteri…) moći pohađati tečaj i naučiti program “Heritage & Sport”. Projekt se može lako primijeniti svugdje te može postati model u izgradnji multikulturalnog partnerstva prikladnog za izgradnju europskih uvjeta koji promiču tjelesne aktivnosti za djecu različitih europskih zemalja

Projekt Heritage & Sport financira Europska unija. Provodit će se 24 mjeseca (1. siječnja 2023. – 31. prosinca 2024.).


In the scope of the Erasmus sport project “Active Park” project partners have prepared the MANUAL FOR VOLONTEERS FOR INCLUDING CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN SPORT ACTIVITES!

CP Small Sport Active Park-Manual for Volonteers for including children and youth with disabilities in sport

This manual is aimed primarily for volunteers and youth workers working at community level with children and youth with disabilities. The manual is also useful for teachers primary teachers and Special Education teachers.

The project idea of “Active Park” is to increase the level of physical activity of children with special needs in primary schools. The project promotes popularization of grassroot sports and physical activities for children with special needs offering them equal opportunity in sport.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.




Sport VIV, together with initiative “Moje pravo na rukomet” (“My right to handball”) promotes inclusive handball as a part of ACTIVE Park project.

Handball can be played both outdoors and indoors. While conducting activities for children with special needs, it is important to emphasize the necessity of sport (training) assistants.

They are a bridge, a link between the coach and the child, and because of them, each of our little athletes is provided with an individual approach to training.



We have started a new year of implementing Erasmus + sport projects by organizing a kick off meeting for the project Active Park which was held today in our town Grad Samobor.

The leading partner in this project is Zavod Trend-Prima, Maribor , and project partners are Asociatia SE POATE- Romania, , Mine Vaganti NGO – Italy, RF – SISU Västerbotten – Sweden
and Sport VIV.

The project idea of “Active Park” is to increase the level of physical activity of children with special needs in primary schools. The project promotes popularization of grassroot sports and physical activities for children with special needs offering them equal opportunity in sport. Children with special needs often could not engage in many sports due to their physical limitations. The project encourages social inclusion and equal opportunities, which is the main aim of the project, while the parallel aim is to promote sport activities in nature, so that are available for all children and to emphasize the importance of sports activities in nature. The project is focused on using existing facilities in local environments that will be used for implementation of the sport events “Active Park” (parks, playgrounds, sports parks, open fields, etc.) and to revitalized them. “Active Park” events will be organized in each partner’ countries and will be promoted intensively on the project website, leaflets, and social media. Creation of synergy between local, regional, national and international policies and educational and sport organizations/associations, sport related organizations to promote sport and physical activity for all EU citizens and ensures equal access, is an important aspect of ”Active Park”.